Client Education

What is SAA & How is it Used?
SAA (Serum Amyloid A) is a protein that is made in the liver in response to infection. We can test for SAA stall side in a matter of minutes to determine if a horse has an infection. READ MORE
Be Prepared for an Equine Health Emergency
If you own horses long enough, sooner or later you are likely to confront a medical emergency. From lacerations to colic to foaling difficulties, there are many emergencies that a horse owner may encounter. READ MORE

What Are the Normal Equine Vital Signs?
This is a commonly asked question. While normal ranges exist for horses, values can vary from horse to horse so we suggest that you know the individual vitals for your horse(s). READ MORE

Equine First Aid Kit and Medication Doses and Use
First Aid kits can range from simple to elaborate. I believe that the best First Aid Kit is the one that you can have accessible. Having the most comprehensive kit that is at home in the barn is of not use when you are on the road or on the trail. READ MORE

The Ranitidine Recall and Your Horse
It seems everyone has heard the news about the recall of Zantac (Ranitidine) due to the USDA findings. How long this recall lasts and how this will affect the equine industry is unknown. READ MORE

The New Core Vaccine from Zoetis
We are now providing the new core vaccine from Zoetis for our clients. Zoetis, the leader in equine vaccines, has seen the need based on the guidelines set out by the AAEP (American Association of Equine Practitioners) for an all inclusive vaccine. READ MORE

Equine Summer Sores
Habronemiasis, also known as summer sores, granular dermatitis, and jack sores are a common parasitic condition in our region. Summer sores are the result of a complex association between the horse, the stomach worm (Habronema muscae), and its immediate host (stable and house flies) READ MORE

AAEP Releases Statement About the Use of MPA in Competition Horses
The AAEP board of directors recently approved a statement developed by the Performance Horse Committe regarding the use of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) in competition horses. The statement reads: READ MORE